Ohh my, oh man. 😏 This guy done did. Did what? Not quite eat the rich, but certainly kill one, in a movie-like fashion, in broad daylight on the streets of Manhattan. Shot one Brian Thompson, C.E.O. of an American health insurance corporation – by definition making (lots and lots of) money from (thousands of) others' misery. 🤷
And for now he got he seems to be swimmingly getting away with it, too! 🙂
Not even his name known yet.
Awkwardly mixed feelings abound, because what injustice, exactly, has been done, with bullets inscribed with meaning? Seems to be a pertinent question for everyone, save, perhaps, Mr. Thompson's loved ones. :l
Will he be missed? Is the world worse off without (people like) him in it? Does this grief carry equal weight compared to your loss, or mine?
Morals and ethics stirred – good people, questionable deeds.. In that regard it reminds me of recent local news of an entirely different kind: a highly esteemed public figure defies rules and disdains lives by driving drunk. 🍺 Do as I say, not as I do. “Oh the humanity”? Zonder zonde, de eerste steen? Wazige zaak!
Here, too, our conscience makes awkward leaps and bounds, and our moral compass behaves erratically. We struggle to make sense of a confusing world of reprehensible and good people, bad vibes, and bad things and good deeds.
Luckily our very own VRT has a pressing matter pop up to curb our confusion! “Hoe werkt een botsabsorbeerder”?🤦♂️ Orr, eh – well SOME moral! is direly needed from this story. And sought, and found: “Ook verstandige mensen doen domme dingen”. "😅"
“Morbid glee” appeared to be the upshot of the Anglo-Saxon matter. The Flemish.. Not quite sure. “Sardonisch gelach in vuistjes” is an unpolished mouthful. “Povere boel” in any case. 😏
On 9/12 Luigi was finally apprehended. The story not yet finished, but quite the.